Shanti School of Taijiquan



Masters From China Videos


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Internal Secrets for Practicing Qigong
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INTERNAL ENERGY - What do traditional Chinese internal martial artists say about energy? How do they incorporate mind and qi (chi) in their art? How do they teach it to learners? In the Masters From China video collection, top-level practitioners of internal martial arts describe and/or demonstrate their specialized understanding and use of qi.
In this collection, knowledge about qi highly accessible and memorable through the combination of discussion, form demonstrations, application demonstrations, and follow-along exercise sessions. These videos are full of tips and techniques that are useful for any level taiji practitioner. Why?
Because internal energy secrets and theories are seldom shared. Whether you've practiced for many years or just a a few, and whatever martial arts style, whether internal or otherwise, this video series contains valuable lessons in the use of qi in martial arts.We are proud to offer videos from workshops and taiji training camps with George Xu, Susan Matthews, and several Masters from Shanghai, and videos from George Xu China Camps 2004, 2007, and 2010, plus lessons videotaped during the 2009 Double Dragon Alliance Shanghai Training Camp.


Spiral Anatomy Module 1 Check out the Spiral Anatomy™ Training Course for great packages including many of these videos. Modules provide stepwise training on major topics!
Spiral Anatomy™- Movement and Energy Training
for Tai Chi, Sports, Chronic Pain and Rehabilitation

Qigong Practice DVDEnergy Gathering and Blood Circulation Qigong with Susan Matthews

This Qigong video is an excellent home practice aid for any age or ability. I consider it essential that my students practice this first level of exercises on a regular basis. Detailed instruction contains essential principles for cultivating qi, for training mind to move qi anywhere in the body for self healing, and for training the internal movement of energy by the mind in Tai Chi and Qigong practice. Several have reported their family members were using the tape successfully so we decided to share it with everyone. QiCircles©, or abdominal rotations, and Mindful Massage© of the Head, Neck, Hands, and Meridians exercises directly stimulate the immune system, internal organs, brain, lymph and blood circulation, skin circulation, and energy flow in the meridians. Great for detoxification of the tissues. Exercises are performed sitting so it makes a great tape to regain strength and energy. Movements also loosen hips and low back. Front and mirror view. Instructions on Qi (Chi) circles and self massage come directly from Wu Style taiji and were taught to me by Grandmaster Wang Hao Da who was 18 years indoor student of Mah Yueh Liang. ©2005

Energy Gathering and Blood Circulation Qigong is now entirely contained within Spiral Anatomy™ Module 1 along with many supporting videos. See full content below.

Spiral Anatomy Module 1Module 1 - Building an Energy Body Collection: Best videos in one package, $100 value. Download $39.95

mind and energy Mind and Energy Movement in Taijiquan

Susan Matthews presents instruction ranging from detailed techniques to overarching concepts on the biomechanics of key movement principles of taijiquan, such as zhong ding, dantian, open and close, and spiral anatomy. She describes and demonstrates techniques, and leads workshop participants in simple, single movements common in taiji practice.

In her unique trademark approach, Shifu Matthews integrates neuroscience and her extensive knowledge of anatomy with using mind intention and energetic awareness to move the body. This is the essence of which distinguishes taijiquan from other forms of martial arts, as well as other forms of exercise. She also incorporates pieces in her training from other Chinese internal martial arts styles, including xing-yi quan and lan shou quan. She also brings into the equation her practice of medical qigong as well as a section of guided visualization and meditation practice.

This video contains information useful for beginners and beyond. More advanced practitioners will hear new information as well as familiar concepts presented in a fresh and unique manner. Higher level practitioners will be pleased with the fresh approach her unique teaching approach brings.

She details each concept then leads the group to incorporate them in simple exercises. This 90-minute video (plus 25 min. extras) filmed in Telluride, Colorado in August 2010 comes with an additional several minutes of extras adding to the wealth of information Matthews has shared in several previous vidoe releases. ©2011


Eight Pieces Brocade Qigong

Eight Pieces of Brocade Qigong with Susan Matthews

Eight Pieces of Brocade is one of the oldest known forms of qigong ("CHEE gong") that originated in China some 800 years ago. Qigong means to "cultivate energy" and has been shown to improve overall health and feelings of well-being. Some forms of qigong can be thought of as Chinese physical therapy.It is ideal for beginner tai chi and gigong practitioners. The postures are simple to learn, but doing them correctly for their fullest benefits is key to feeling their profound effects. Practice regularly and mindfully and you will unravel the secret.

The Eight Pieces of Brocade video is in two parts. Part I is the entire sequence practiced to calm music. Part II is presented with detailed instructions for transmitting spirals in two ways: the first way is taught describing a type of power-stretching in which one part of the body is set up in opposition to another, creating an isometric stretch around the joints. The second way describes the movements with qi. 27 min. ©2002, 2006

Eight Pieces of Brocade is now entirely contained within Spiral Anatomy™ Module 2 along with Brain Workshop™ and many supporting videos. See full content below.

Module 2 - Balance plus Brain Workshop™ Collection: Best videos in one package. Download $39.95

Brain Workshop Brain Workshop™ Exercises for a New Brain- Use Mind Power and Movement to Change Your Brain

Brain Workshop™ Mind and Movement Exercises for Brain Health make it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain. By training your mind and movement you can change your brain. Susan A. Matthews, MS, ND, using decades of experience, combines the ancient secrets of Tai Chi with cutting-edge science to produce a powerful system which you can use to tap into the power of the mind and movement to change the way you think and feel, to reverse age-related changes in the brain, to rehabilitate and regain lost function after stroke or brain injury. Integrate these ancient Tai Chi principles to maximize any exercise for improving brain health and brain function and to maximize mind-body connection. Two volumes ©2008

Brain Workshop™ is now entirely contained within Spiral Anatomy™ Module 2 along with many supporting videos. See full content below.

Module 2 - Balance plus Brain Workshop™ Collection: Best videos in one package. Download $39.95

Volume One: Integrating Neuroscientific Principles is mostly lecture that presents an introduction to how the brain processes information and, using that information, how to use specific patterns of movement to activate and create new neural pathways in the brain. Learn how we use mental practice and visualization to tap into the power of training the mind to affect mental, and physical, well being, and even to repair brain injury.

Volume Two: 12 Key Exercises to Activate the Brain are combined to provide a full one-hour practice session. The constant rhythmic motion is profoundly relaxing. The 4 parts include: 1) Spinal Dynamics, 2) Head and Neck Circulation, 3) Mental Practice, and 4) Left/Right Brain Synchrony.
In each part we focus on both a physical exercise and mental exercise that involves a visualization of energy movement.
The beginning focuses on the dynamics of the spine and the concept of central equilibrium. This is the physical straight spinal column relaxed and balanced in gravity along with fluid energy dynamics created by movement and the mind.
Mental Practice is described for each movement where exercises are designed to train the mind to work within the physical body, generating a visualization of energy flow. The exercises teach you to create a strong root, or sense of balance, how to cultivate a sense of qi, and a method of effortless walking with intent, focus, and energy.
Exercises to balance left and right brain activity have powerful effects both mentally and physically. Here, the mind is trained to move the body, balanced around a singular point of focus.
Head and Neck Exercises provide an abundant blood supply to the brain. Head and neck massage, relaxation and meditation can increase circulation, particularly to areas damaged by stroke or brain injury as well as open doors to higher consciousness. More...

George Xu Chen StyleTai Chi

What is Tai Chi, Really? George Xu Answers

Tai chi has a long history in China. Long ago, martial artists in China discovered that using "internal" principles in the practice of taijiquan improved their health overall as well as their fighting skills. During recent years, tai chi has been increasingly recognized among westerners for its great health benefits. Highly-accomplished Chinese tai chi "masters" who have come to the United States since before the 1970s deserve credit for introducing tai chi to the western world.

In What is Tai Chi, Really? Master George Xu, with Susan Matthews assisting, discusses and demonstrates internal principles while performing selected Chen and Wu Style postures. They give the viewer a better idea of what to look for when practicing. Both Master Xu and Sifu Matthews demonstrate a section of the form, then discuss internal aspects. Master Xu demonstrates with Susan how power comes from utilizing internal principles of tai chi.

Whether or not you practice tai chi for its health benefits or for martial skills, it is the internal principles that make any tai chi practice beneficial.

What is Tai Chi, Really? is for anyone wanting to learn internal principles of taijiquan. The information it contains can benefit beginner or advanced practitioners, whether you focus on health or fighting. Even non-internal martial arts practitioners can use the information to incorporate into their particular style of practice.

Filmed at Shanti School of Taijiquan in Durango, Colorado. 46-minutes. $19.95


Wang Zhi Xiang LectureDoctor Wang Zhi Xiang Lecture on Bamen Wu Bu at China Camp 2004

Dr. Wang gives a highly intellectual and informative lecture on the 12 elements required in taijiquan form and application. He describes and illustrates Bamen Wu Bu, eight-directional energetic force and the four elements, earth, wind, fire and water in taijiquan. This is one of the best, or perhaps the best lecture from both 2004 and 2007 camps (along with George's lecture described above). Expertly translated and interpreted by Paul Leu. You will want more after hearing this lecture. We recommend China Camp Out Takes 2004 (below) which contains his set of basic exercises and Yang Style Form.

Doctor Wang Lecture on Bamen Wu Bu is now featured in Spiral Anatomy™ Module 1 along with many supporting videos. See full content below.

Spiral Anatomy Module 1Module 1 - Building an Energy Body Collection: Best videos in one package, $100 value. Download $39.95

George Xu Chen Style Tai Chi Martial Arts VideoInternal Structure Testing: Chen Style Tai Chi
with George Xu and Susan Matthews

One of the best things about attending a tai chi workshop with a master from China is having an opportunity to see internal martial art principles applied by a highly experienced practitioner. To understand the principles you should train with a high-level master as often as possible. But not everyone is close enough to a teacher, or can afford to attend regular private lessons, or even weekly group classes, with an authentic master teacher.

Watching Internal Structure Testing is like being part of a private instruction session. Master Xu and Susan Matthews discuss energy-body movement concepts while they practice selected Chen Style postures. They convey fundamental and advanced internal principles of tai chi that everyone needs to know to reach new levels of ability and well-being. These include beginning stance, single whip, and half of the first section of the Chen form.

Internal Structure Testing is a unique example of a teacher working closely with a student to reach that ever-fluid point of understanding - what the master knows and the student struggles to grasp. You will enjoy the personable interaction between Master George Xu and long-time student, Susan Matthews, who is also a highly accomplished tai chi practitioner and teacher, as well.

Master George Xu is well-known and admired for his open and very informational style of teaching. For him, no secret is too secret. He believes that if you give freely you will be rewarded ten-fold for your generosity. Master Xu is highly sought-after by students and teachers the world over.

This video complements What is Tai Chi, Really? also produced by Serai Communication Arts and Shanti School of Taijiquan. Includes Scene Selections to facilitate training while you practice along with them. Filmed at Shanti School of Taijiquan in Durango, Colorado. 52-minutes. $24.95


Daily Breast MassageDaily Breast Massage™

Holisitic Healing and Prevention with Physical Therapy and Qigong

with Susan Matthews, MS, ND

Daily Breast Massage™ is a simple technique that can eliminate lumps and cystswithin a few short months. This instructional video is an excellent home practice aid for any age or ability. Detailed instruction contains descriptions of breast anatomy, blood circulation, and lymph drainage. Self massage works miracles, even for chronic fibrocystic breast disease. Watch the video clip below to hear testimonials from women who have freed themselves of pain and fear! Video contains essential principles for cultivating healthy qi, for training mind to move qi, blood and lymph. Specific circular hand/finger movements are demonstrated. This loving and nurturing practice has many benefits beyond healthy breasts. Massage is performed lying down. Additional instruction for sitting qigong QiCircles™ is included to round out your practice and benefit whole-body health. You cannot afford not to do this. Every woman should be using this as a method of prevention of breast disease everyday-- like brushing your teeth!

Daily Breast Massage is now entirely contained within Spiral Anatomy™ Module 1 along with many supporting videos. See full content below.

Module 1 - Building an Energy Body Collection: Best videos in one package, $100 value. Download $39.95

Yun Yin Sen DVD

Yun Yin Sen at George Xu Summer Camp 2006.

Master Yun Teaches Liu He Ba Fa, Primordial Qigong, and Push Hands at this week-long Summer Camp with George Xu in the beautiful coastal redwoods near San Francisco (La Honda). Yun performs first movement of primordial qigong on clip. ©2006 $29.95



Spiral Anatomy Module 1MODULE 1 Spiral Anatomy™ Training Course:
Cultivating an Energy Body

Module 1 contains an extremely robust visualization, meditation and self massage program that can bring a high level of awareness of the energy in your body. The goal is to experience yourself as an energy being. The materials presented explain the physiology of practicing qigong. In practice, this program can relieve stress, anxiety and chronic pain by promoting relaxation, sleep and healing blood circulation to the brain and internal organs. The visualizations and simple exercises, performed both sitting and standing, are used to refine mind intention and build qi. Self massage and meridian massage enhances qi flow, blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, and immune system function.
Module 1 - Building an Energy Body Collection: Best videos in one package, $100 value. Order/Download only $39.95

Module 1 Contents:

1. Introduction to Spiral Anatomy™ Visualizations for Energy and Blood Circulation (7:40) (preview page)
2. Energy-Filling Stress-Reduction Meditation and Brain Circulation Visualization (19:14)
3. Brain and Eye Visualization Aids PDF
4. Introduction to Qigong with Susan Matthews (3:47)
5. Qigong Practice 1 Gathering Energy (1:46)
6. Qigong Practice 2 Qi Circles (15:05)
7. Qigong Practice 3 Head Neck Meridian Self Massage (19:15)
8. Qigong Practice 4 Hand Massage (4:01)
9. Abdominal Breathing Demonstration (2:01)
10. Daily Breast Massage (34:09)
11. Bamen Wu Bu Lecture WANG ZHI XIANG (46.35)
12. WANG HAO DA Neijing Training (1:15:19)

Spiral Anatomy Module 2MODULE 2 Spiral Anatomy™ Training Course:
Balance plus Brain Workshop™

Module 2 contains videos and supplemental materials to help you understand the physical and energetic principles of central equilibrium, one of the most important fundamental principles in tai chi. Central equilibrium training is essential for understanding how to create balance, strength and flexibility in the movements of daily life. With practice you can repair posture to alleviate chronic health issues including chronic pain, and to activate neurorehabilitation and repair. Brain Workshop™ specifically addresses additional movement principles for brain health, especially important for persons with stress, brain injury, Parkinson's, stroke.
Module 2 - Balance plus Brain Workshop™ Collection: Best videos in one package. Order/Download only $39.95

Module 2 Contents:

1. Zhong Ding Energy and Balance Introduction (2:47)
2. Zhong Ding Lecture (6:05)
3. Skeletal Alignment Anterior.jpg
4. Skeletal Alignment Posterior.jpg
5. Skeletal Alignment Lateral.jpg
6. Sacrum and Center of Gravity.jpg
7. Get Balance™ Training and Exercises (37:37)
8. Zhong Ding Central Equlibrium Line Article (PDF)
9. Walking Visualization and Training (23:08)
10. Review of Visualizations (3:42)
11. Brain Workshop I: Integrating Neuroscientific Principles in Movement (46:41) (preview page)
12. Brain Workshop II: Twelve Exercises to Activate the Brain (1:05:50)
13. Eight Pieces of Brocade Qigong (27:31)

Spiral Anatomy Module 3MODULE 3 Spiral Anatomy™ Training Course:
Connect the Body Physically as One Unit with Power Stretching

Module 3 contains videos to help you understand the physical and energetic principles of power stretching. Power stretching is essential for whole-body or one-unit, connected, loose, relaxed, spiraling power in all styles of martial arts. Power stretching is the next step essential for understanding how to repair posture to alleviate chronic health issues including chronic musculoskeletal pain, and to activate neurorehabilitation and repair.

Module 3 - Power Stretching Collection: Best videos in one package. Order/Download only $39.95

Module 3 Contents:

1. Susan Matthews Lan Shou Power Stretching Introduction to Module 3 (PDF) (preview page)
2. Master YE XIAO LONG Power Stretch 1 (3:37)
3. Master WU JI Power Stretching First Section (3:10)
4. Susan Matthews Opening the Low Back (4:50)
5. 'Dont Let Me Lift Your Arm' Test (0:56)
6. Susan Matthews Power Stretch Exercise(8:13)
7. Master YE XIAO LONG Power Stretch 2 (10.53)
8. Master GEORGE XU Spiraling Power Stretching (21:22)
9. Master WU JI Lan Shou Muscle-Tendon Stretching Exercises (35:27)
10. Double Dragon VOL 3 Master SHOU GUAN SHUN Jin Shin Ba Gu (1:16:30)
11. Master WANG MING BO Jin Shin Ba Gu (1:12:47)